Archive | January, 2012

2011 Year in Review

3 Jan

Happy Solstice, Holidays, and New Year from Rainbow Beach Dunes!

This year we accomplished a lot. We recorded over 209 stewardship hours with 75 first-time volunteers! We also have an ever-increasing group of committed stewards who come out on a regular basis. All are appreciated.

A new path was added to the Nature Area and some serious invasive plant eradication went on. We partnered with Alliance for the Great Lakes and Gary Comer College Prep for special workdays, and I received a stewardship award from Friends of the Park. In 2011, Rainbow Beach Dunes looked more amazing than ever!

Going forward in 2012, we hope to initiate more monitoring projects, plant/weed/pick up trash like always, and see many more new faces at the site. We will also partner with the Rainbow Beach Park Advisory Council for a few special events throughout the year, so stay tuned for updates. If you have ideas for projects or events you’d like to see in 2012, just let me know!