Archive | February, 2013

Calumet Stewardship Initiative – calendars of exploration and education

17 Feb

The Calumet Stewardship Initiative has put together a 2013 calendar of events for all kinds of Calumet adventurers (full disclosure, I am a member of their stewardship team).

First, the Calumet Outdoor Series is a monthly (or more often) showcase of natural areas in the region, some well known, some hidden. You might remember RBD was on the calendar last summer! I’ll be leading a tour of Warren Woods this spring. The series leader is Eric Neagu- contact him with questions or to RSVP to an event (



The Calumet Volunteer Enrichment Series is designed for those who want to get more involved in the region and are interested in volunteering once, or on a regular basis, at sites in the Calumet. The series leader is Becky Collings- contact him with questions or to RSVP to an event (



One Bottle at a Time (Save the Fishes)

1 Feb

Couldn’t resist sharing this terrific rap and video made by high school students in Redwood City, CA. They clearly think about some of the same topics we do at Rainbow– trash, clean water, and student environmental leadership! It’s well done, promotes a positive message about recycling and environmentalism, and the students are obviously having lots of fun. They are part of REAL, the Redwood Environmental Academy of Leadership, at Redwood City High School.